
I am Federico

Maker of things 🚀

IT Business Analyst at OSP

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Hover or touch on each card to learn more! 👉
  • Expert in Business Analysis and process automation
  • Expert in Business Analysis and process automation
  • International work experience
  • International work experience
  • I speak fluent spanish, english and german!
  • I speak fluent spanish, english and german!
  • Machine learning
  • Machine learning
  • Trained in Big Data & Digital transformation
  • Trained in Big Data & Digital transformation


Big data & Digital transformation
Penta Learning
Feb 2022, Apr 2022
Although I am a digital native, I cannot rest on my laurels and let new technologies pass me by. Instead, I constantly seek new information to stay up-to-date, which is why I took this course.
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Global Business Analyst
Dec 2021, Apr 2023
Created data processing pipeline, abstraction layer for combining data objects from multiple systems (SAP S4, SAP B1, SAP ECC, Salesforce, IBM Cognos), and automated customer offer preparation.
Machine learning
Aug 2021, Dec 2021
Quoting Bill Gates, "AI development is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, PC, Internet, and mobile phone." I intend to be a leader in this revolution, not a bystander.
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BI consultant
Oct 2019, Dec 2021
Before I became the Global Business Analyst here, I worked for two years as a remote BI consultant, focusing mainly in business reporting and automation of various internal processes.
Commercial analyst
Feb 2018, Dec 2018
This was one of my first professional experiences. I was responsible for automating weekly reporting. I also got to work closely with the national business manager, learning much from it.
Industrial Engineering
Mar 2012
I like to think that I have been an engineer since I was a kid, because I've always had the same curiosity and admiration for the world and its inner workings. No degree yet (because life), only thesis pending now (yay!).
Big data & Digital transformation
Penta Learning

Although I am a digital native, I cannot rest on my laurels and let new technologies pass me by. Instead, I constantly seek new information to stay up-to-date, which is why I took this course.View certificate

Feb 2022, Apr 2022
Global Business Analyst

Created data processing pipeline, abstraction layer for combining data objects from multiple systems (SAP S4, SAP B1, SAP ECC, Salesforce, IBM Cognos), and automated customer offer preparation.

Dec 2021, Apr 2023
Machine learning

Quoting Bill Gates, "AI development is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, PC, Internet, and mobile phone." I intend to be a leader in this revolution, not a bystander.View certificate

Aug 2021, Dec 2021
BI consultant

Before I became the Global Business Analyst here, I worked for two years as a remote BI consultant, focusing mainly in business reporting and automation of various internal processes.

Oct 2019, Dec 2021
Commercial analyst

This was one of my first professional experiences. I was responsible for automating weekly reporting. I also got to work closely with the national business manager, learning much from it.

Feb 2018, Dec 2018
Industrial Engineering

I like to think that I have been an engineer since I was a kid, because I've always had the same curiosity and admiration for the world and its inner workings. No degree yet (because life), only thesis pending now (yay!).

Mar 2012


This is a cherry-picked collection of some of my favorite personal projects.

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🐕 One dog every hour

A bot that tweets a random dog picture every hour.

🐕 One dog every hour

A bot that tweets a random dog picture every hour.

🌐 Automatica

A custom website for my freelancer ventures.

🌐 Automatica

A custom website for my freelancer ventures.

🤖 Telepybot

Python library to interact with Telegram's bot API.

🤖 Telepybot

Python library to interact with Telegram's bot API.

🦉 Tweetipy

Python library to interact with Twitter's API.

🦉 Tweetipy

Python library to interact with Twitter's API.

🛠️ Cryptowrench

A set of tools to play around with crypto and blockchain.

🛠️ Cryptowrench

A set of tools to play around with crypto and blockchain.

👈 Hover or touch on each card to learn more!


If you are interested in collaborating, have some fancy freelancing request, or just want to have a chat about life, you may reach out in any of the networks listed below.

Also, if you are a form person, you may use as well. 🥳

Federico Giancarelli

[email protected]

Alternate profile picture.
My home town: Santa Fe, Argentina. 📌
Source code available on GitHub!